By selecting a task list with items to be reminded, the engine analyses the contents and notifies the user about items nearing the due date or with low estimated time.
Priority Graphic
Another addition in this version is a new Priority coloring. Application uses custom ListBox which overrides the drawing method to create items in different colors.
Same effect is applied on the priority ComBox If you want to get this effect. Create custom ComboBox and override the OnDrawItem method.
This code assumes that there are more than seven items in the box.
Important !! If you want items to draw on your overloaded method you need to change a property DrawMode from Normal to Either OwnerDrawVariable or OwnerDrawFixed.
changes in reminder
changes in notification logic
added NUnit tests to XmlAnalyser
Notification logic
Reminder is described in my previous post “Reminder Mechanism” . For notifications, I am using an abstract Notifier which is extended by specific classes like DueDateNotifier . Reminder adds Notifiers to his list, and then is querying them asking if the user should be notified about them.