TimeIsMoney 0.2.1 and future development
What’s New
- 0.2.1
- More advanced AddItemBox with option “more”.
- three additional properties :
- priority
- due date
- estimated time
- three additional properties :
- Changed the way settings panel is displayed
- Lots of stability fixes ….
- fixed the problem with GlobalKeyHook and garbage collected element crash
- various problems with list
- More advanced AddItemBox with option “more”.
This week i am starting unit testing. Small standalone project based on the NUnit platform with various unit tests. Idea of unit test is really simple:
Make assumption about how your code should behave.
Write a test to check if you are right or wrong.
I know that for some of you it looks like a waste of time but this process accelerates the development time and what’s also important it promotes good coding practices.
The next big Things which I want to start is Report Module this will be a standalone application communicating with main software. It is responsible for various analyses of the TODO lists. Right now I m planning to write UI inn WPF. In the beginning, I want to create simple engine. Unit testing will be heavily used in this module.
Some major re-factorization will be necessary in the future. Isolation of the UI from the logic is really important, it’s commonly used pattern.
Next Week
- 0.2.2
- Ability to set up notification lists
- Fix priority display
- Display estimated time and priority on the unsorted tasks lists view
- Create NUnit testing project
- 0.2.3
- Ability to set up next learning and next action lists with notifications options
- 0.2.4
- Report Module Engine
What’s Planned?
- 0.3.0
- Notification mechanism based on the “IronPython”
- 0.3.5
- More advanced report module. , statistics , daily weekly reports .
- Progress and efficiency of time management
- 0.5.0
- Task trees.
- Adding item to specific tree node
- 0.6.0
- Activity Tracker
- Created from scratch or integrated with Activity Tracker Gadget
- Activity Tracker
- 0.7.0
- Desk Notes
- 0.8.0
- Calendar
Far Far Away …… web application.
What i have learned this week !
The biggest enemy of the open source projects is … TIME.
Don’t love your code and be ready to throw away a good idea just because it is too complicated . Remember ….. KiSS – Keep It Simple Stupid