After couple of months spent on developing, my thesis is finally finished (yeah to be hones it’s a beta version)! Happy happy day ;] Working and studying (which is was quite similar to work) is quite exhausting.I have created the e-learning platform. Its core functionality is content management + learning process management. <h3 align="left">Technologies and Tools used in Project:</h3> <h4 align="left">NLog + Sentinel</h4> <p align="left">NLog is awesome ! It’s easy and flexible. I will stick with it in my projects. Every app should implement logging mechanism because it simplifies development and cuts time spent on debugging code. Sentinel is a tool used to view generated logs. It supports for NLog and log4net. Sentinel is still in early development phase and needs improvements but it’s ok. <p align="left">In my scenario i had a dual screen setup ( monitor + laptop screen). Laptop was used as a log windows with sentinel. <h4 align="left">NHibernate + FluentNhibernate </h4> <p align="left">NHibernate has step learning curve ( at least for someone like me with noob skills in ORM’s) but its great, flexible and greatly simplifies Data Abstraction Layer implementation. I had couple of situatioon when, I had to do massive changes in the DB. With DAL in NHibernate it was easy task. For NH mappings i have used FluentNhibernate. This lib has some flaws and problems like weak sql stored procedure support but i really don’t like the idea of xml files. <h4 align="left">NUnit + RhinoMock</h4> <p align="left">Whole DAL is covered by unit tests (all the repository methods and service methods). I m using NUnit because this was my first test framework and i got used to it. In this project i have used for the first time Mocking Framework. Why RhinoMock well, I am reading Ayende’s Blog and thought that’s this one will be good at the beginning. There are currently more than 120 tests. <h4 align="left">Automapper </h4> <p align="left">I m using Automapper to convert between different classes. My DAL is behind WCF services and, I’m using DTO’s as a transfer class. With Automapper conversion from NH entity to DTO is really simple. <h4 align="left">Ninject</h4> <p align="left">This was my first time experience with DI frameworks. It works really well and is quite simple but recently i found a performance comparison and Ninject is very slow compared to other solutions. I was using Unity at work and, I m gonna try it with other projects. <p align="left">  <h3 align="left">Architecture</h3> <p align="center">architektura

This is a simple architecture of my app.

Graphical Design


Log in Screen


Main Page


Course Page

I am using Adminica Template. Great Stuff !


</b> <p align="left">It was quite a big project for me. I learned a lot and tried different solutions. After my graduation i will work maybe on it as a open source project.