Goals for year 2013
It is almost the end of the year. Hopefully we will get through Armageddon on 21st December, so following Pawel Klimczyk idea, I am posting my own list of personal goals for 2013 year.
Prepare a session for wroc .net
I was planning to do this for a long time. There are couple of ideas that, I could talk about. This year, I have done some presentations for students. This was fun, I always enjoy it.
Read more books / watch more screencasts / write more blog posts
I have a big list of stuff. There is still Oredev, NDC waiting, and a big pile of books. Also i have to try and write more often. One post per month is unacceptable. I increased my activity on Twitter so the time has come for blog. I have a lot ideas but motivation is not one of my best friends, also decision that I am going to write everything in English makes a lot of things difficult. I still have a lot to learn on writing not in my native language.
RoR project
There was a time when i only focused on .Net stack, but then I started to use GIT and I fell in love with BASH and keyboard only habit. This led me to Ruby on Rails. I am currently learning it and doing some little fun project for myself.
Get Involved with some open source projects
I have some little projects hosted on Github but still, I haven’t tasted any pull request for some open source project. This has to change. I will try and focus on some of the frameworks, I am using in my every day job and hobby projects.
It is not so much but, I have to focus on the most important goals.