3 Git And How To Problem With Ignoring By File Extensions
I started my adventure in Source Code Management systems with SVN. I was on my 3rd year at University and was quite impressed with it’s capabilities. Later on after hearing a lot of good things about Git and watching great presentation by Linus Torvalds, I persuaded myself to try it. This was a big move for me. I worked/learned on the MS stack so by moving to the GIT world I had to learn some Unix technology. I had problems with adoption : configuration problems , shift in thinking about repositories , branches , even something new like GitHub community. Lots of work and try and error learning but it was worth the time . Now , which is an irony , I have problems working with SVN at work Too much “git-ing” : ) . You just cant understand why something is in GIT and not in SVN. I m struggling now. Integration server is full of “build failures , caused by missing file in repository : D <p>I m still working with GIT at home , and I m not changing it to other SCM unless it’s really necessary eg. in work. <p> <p align="justify">Recently I encountered a problem with ignoring files. I wanted to ignore some files by extension type. Well I was not working at all. I had to spent some time to find the solution. StackOverflow came to the rescue. Those simple commands fixed my problem. <p align="justify">1. git rm -r --cached .
2. git add .
3.git commit –m
This basically clears out the cache and “re-adds” files.
On a side note don’t be afraid with the git rm command , I have almost jumped off my chair when I saw whole thesis being deleted : )