Simulating microservices using F# and
I have this small hobby project called Overseer. It is a tool used to debug and troubleshoot microservices. I was planning to use it in production, but because that is the only prototype. I decided to use it with simulated services. This way it will be a lot easier to create many different ‘test’ scenarios.
The current solution for spawning those ‘tests services’ is implemented in and F#. Why these technologies? I just like F# and seems like a nice decent framework. Full code If you can, please review this code. I am not a F# expert and would love to learn how to make it better.
Test service graph definition
I want to iterate fast and create different networks of services. I need a simple way of defining the structure of the network. At the moment, I am using an array of tuples with a service name and collection of all the services it depends on. It looks like this.
let listOfServices = [ ("GG.Web.Crowdfunding", "ms",
[ "GG.Service.IdentityVerification"; "GG.Service.Project";
"GG.Service.Profile"; "GG.Service.Crm"; "GG.Service.Project.RiskAnalysis";
"GG.Imaging.Read"; "GG.Imaging.Write"; "GG.Service.Project.Registration";
"GG.Service.AB"; "PayPal"; "GG.Service.User"
("GG.Service.IdentityVerification", "ms", [
"VerifyIntegrity"; "Unfido";"CreditCallService";"PayPal";"GG.Service.User"
This array of tuples is changed to Suave web ‘servers’ with one endpoint.
let toTaskMicroServers endpoint =
Task.Run(fun () -> startWebServer (serverConfig endpoint.port) (app endpoint))
let taskList = listOfServices
|> createEndpoints
|> toTaskMicroServers
|> List.toArray
|> Task.WaitAll
The result is a list of Tasks running suave exposing one simple endpoint.
Endpoint list
type EndpointResponse = {
port : uint16;
url : string;
name : string;
serviceType : string;
status : bool;
dependancies : EndpointResponse list
let createInitialEndpoints list =
let startPort = 3000
// fold used here to increment port
|> List.fold(fun (array, port) (n, t, d) ->
(createEndpoint n t d port)::array, port + 1) ([], startPort)
// discarding port from tuple as it is not needed
|> fs
To create a list of the endpoints, I am using fold function with an accumulator to increment port. Fold is a function that I tend to overuse too much. But in this case, it feels ok. Is there any other way to iterate through something with a maintnance of external state?
Suave config
It was a bit tricky as the documentation is not that good. After many try and errors and SO searching, I was able to create simple endpoints. All it does is returning JSON metadata describing ‘server’ (status, dependencies).
let app endpoint =
choose [
GET >=> choose
[ path "/status/health" >=> MimeJSON
>=> setHeader "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
>=> OK (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(endpoint));
path "/" >=> Redirection.redirect "/status/health" ]
"port": 3000,
"url": "http://localhost:3000/status/health",
"name": "GG.Web.Crowdfunding",
"serviceType": "ms",
"status": true,
"dependancies": [
"port": 3001,
"url": "http://localhost:3001/status/health",
"name": "GG.Service.IdentityVerification",
"serviceType": "ms",
"status": false,
"dependancies": []
All the dependencies, links to them, ports are here. This data is then used to create a graph app id d3.js, example.
This is still in the making. D3.js is really powerful but quite tricky to use. I am mostly experimenting and there are a lot of ‘wow’ moments. Kind of feels like winapi programming a long time ago.
The first test was done with 11 services and it ‘works’. Wonder how it will cope with 100+ services. That is a topic for a different blog post.